Sunday, June 5, 2011

War Is Trauma

By: Jesse Purcell

This poster is about the Trauma cause to the veterans of Military affairs and how they are forced to go back into service despite their condition. This is why more civilians need to support our troops and enlist in or contribute the military in general, to save our vets from these kinds of situations. If less and less people decide to support and contribute time to our military, those who are already in the service are kept to pick up the gap. Which means that their chances or retirement are slim. There are many cases or soldiers being stop lossed*, based on poor enlistment percentages, which deprives them of the right to retire. To solve this problem of redeployment and reintroducing trauma struck soldiers to combat, the US needs more people to step up and defend their home.  No one wants to see out veterans reintroduced to combat, they have paid their dues and deserve to be welcomed home with respect and honor, not taken away from their homes.  The military has no other choice but to redeploy these service men and women. If there is no enough personnel to fill the gap veterans and others suffer.  Essentially, the more military personnel the United States has tours can be divided more evenly between younger and more experienced soldiers to decrease and eventually dispose of this issue, and to ensure no trauma induced vet ever has to see the battle field again.

*Stop-loss: the involuntary extension of a service member's active duty service under the enlistment contract in order to retain them beyond their initial end of term of service (ETS) date and up to their contractually agreed and of obligated service (EOS). It is also applied to the cessation of a permanent change in station (PCS) move for a member still in service.

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