Monday, August 22, 2011

Direction of the project...

After creating rough drafts from stock images, I feel that to continue on I am going to make a slight change in the production of my work. Instead of doing all photoshop and illustrator production, I am going to take photos to create like images to those seen in this blog with materials that I own (uniforms, dog tags, heels, face paint, etc.) and combine the images through photoshop, and indesign for text. The images in the below and above are not what I am going to use for the project because the photos used are not of my own. They are there to show a rough draft of what my work is going to look like based off of the sketches I have been working on.

REMINDER: My project is not based on politics, I have heard that some may think this is the direction that I am trying to follow.  This projects guide lines are based on something that we are passionate about, and to me that it the military.  I do not follow politics or care much for anything about it.  What I intend to do with this project is to show my appreciation for the Armed Services through my work.  Also, to show my inner feelings about who I am as a person awaiting my turn in the United States Military such as: Foot Print, 50/50, and What I See.

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